THOUGHTS FOR THE ADEPT -1 Sermons of Yogi Ashwini
Creation consists of many aspects, some are perceivable by the five senses and for some, higher senses are required which require opening of the third eye. Today’s men being ruled by desire have little inclination to go beyond the realm of five senses and their objects. Through these sermons I have tried to expand the realm of desires of people so that the quest to access the final frontier sets in and the journey of the spirit takes a new dimension. I have picked up concepts and critically discussed the cause and effect of higher senses and what lies beyond the realm of five senses. The book is for the people who have a little background of yog and for those who want to know beyond the realm of five senses. - Yogi Ashwini About the book A collection of sermons of Yogi Ashwini released in the year of his entering vanprastha ashram, this book is the first volume of the two, a collector’s dream. The sermons give a deep insight into the ...